This service is another offering inspired by customer request. Starting off with a Sig 365 AXG Legion, our customer asked if we could add palm swells, like those in our Grip Master package. Problem was, no one makes polymer grips for that pistol, so now I had to figure out how to make polymer stick to G10. So, that's exactly what we did. We layer polymer over the G10 grips, shape it, add some screws to make sure everything holds as it should and get to work. The result is a truly customized grip on your pistol, that truly fits your hands as it should.
Please inlude your frame and grips to be modified, as well as a printout of your order confirmation or your order number on the outside of your package.
Ship to:
Suarez International
430 N. Mt Vernon Ave STE 11
Prescott, AZ 86301
If shipping from an FFL, please have your FFL contact us via email for a copy of our license for shipment: